Volume 47 | Number 01 | JanuaryFebruary 2014
Kadison-Singer Problem Solved

Kadison-Singer Problem Solved

What is the best kind of mathematical problem? Does it resemble a distant mountaintop or a vast subterranean river?

Meet the 2014 SIAM Leadership

Meet the 2014 SIAM Leadership

As of January 1, L. Pamela Cook of the University of Delaware is SIAM’s president-elect.

The Evolution of SDM, a Premier Data Mining Conference

The Evolution of SDM, a Premier Data Mining Conference

The SIAM International Data Mining Conference has evolved into a well-established and highly regarded meeting.

IMA To Host Workshop on Careers in Industry

IMA To Host Workshop on Careers in Industry

The IMA will hold a workshop for those interested in exploring opportunities for mathematical scientists in industry.

Oxford Student Chapter Hosts Sixth Annual Conference

Oxford Student Chapter Hosts Sixth Annual Conference

The sixth Oxford University SIAM Student Chapter Conference focused on unusual questions worth asking.

Quo Vadis, Scientific Software?

Quo Vadis, Scientific Software?

We talk a lot about underlying methods and algorithms, but almost never talk about their incarnation: software.

Congratulations Newly Elected SIAG Officers

Congratulations Newly Elected SIAG Officers

New officers have been elected for certain activity groups -- thanks to all candidates for participating.